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Heavy weight champion of the WORDS

Keep it simple.jpg
Why use a simple word, when a more complicated one will do?

My home Germany is often called a country of poets and thinkers. Assuming those two somehow go together, one might think we Germans have a cultural heritage that allows us to easily spread big thoughts by means of elegant words. Certainly, we have produced a large variety of powerfully eloquent speakers and writers, historic and contemporary. But what about the vast majority? Do we exercise the power of words to a benefit?

As we learned from Spiderman’s uncle Ben, “with great power comes great responsibility”. We all know that words can sometimes hurt more that physical pain, no news here. What worries me just as much are situations when authors assemble the most artistic choice of words and yet sound all Klingon (or Vulcan) to the audience. Why not speaking or writing in a simple and comprehensible way?

In my opinion there are three reasons for not keeping it simple:

1.) It’s art. Artists accept the fact that not everyone understands the idea of their art works. And they are all right with this.
2.) The author thinks using a flood of foreign words, technical terms and overblown expressions appears more professional.
3.) The author is too lazy to invest time and brainpower to put things in a nutshell.

There is nothing wrong with number 1. It’s a statement, maybe an intended provocation. If I don’t like it, it’s probably a matter of taste and I leave it be.

But I do have an issue with 2 and 3. I often experienced it in academic or business contexts, when I had a professional interest or a need to understand a book or presentation. It frustrates me, when the choice of words distracts me from the actual content and meaning. It’s such a waste of time – the author’s and mine.

So, to you speakers and writers out there in the world:
Keep it simple! Explaining complicated matters in an easy way is Champions League to me. It doesn’t put your expertise in question. It promotes your expert status! Please use the power of words responsibly and give a greater audience a chance to benefit from your thoughts.
Btw, I assume keeping words clear and simple also works in personal relationships 😉.

Love, Ina 💕
Your partner in crime in matters of kitchen & culture

Admin - 16:53:18 @ Allgemein | Kommentar hinzufügen

